
Showing posts from November, 2020

Unity Tutorial 09

 Unity Tutorial 09 For this weeks Unity Tutorial I finished off the ball game. I added the finishing touches to the game such as having the enemies re-spawn in waves and spawning in a new power up at the start of every wave. I enjoyed doing these final parts to finish off the game. Frequently getting distracted trying to get a personal high score is one of the downfalls and only due to time wasting. I did not like the challenge part of the tutorial at all I thought it was very confusing and the instructions and hints do not help at all.  A screenshot of this weeks unity tutorial.

Unity Tutorial 07

Unity Tutorial 07 This weeks Unity Tutorial is about making a ball fight off other enemy balls on an unbounded platform so it is easy to fall off of. So far in the tutorial I have created the player, the enemy and a power up. I have also given the player and enemy movement. The player can only move back and forward but depending on the camera position is which direction the player goes. The enemy follows the player trying to push them off the edge. If the player gets a power up they become stronger so they can push the enemy further away from them, usually off the edge of the platform. I really enjoyed this weeks tutorial I found it very interesting and fun to play in between to check if things are working correctly. I got a bit stuck at the start due to a minor spelling error that I couldn't find for a while but other than that little slip up this weeks Unity Tutorial wasn't too bad.   A screenshot of this weeks Unity Tutorial.

Unity Tutorial 06

Unity Tutorial 06  In this weeks Unity Tutorial I learned how to add particle effects to the player as they move through the game and I also learned how to add sound to the game and to the player. I enjoyed going through the different sounds available in the sound effects folder, adding the sounds to the player and hearing the sounds as I played the game. I also enjoyed the coding for the audio, it was simple and easy to understand the mechanics. A screenshot of this weeks Unity Tutorial.  This weeks challenge was pretty tricky to wrap my head around because I still can't seem to remember what I have to do to fix things when they're given to me wrong. I use the tutorial code to help me figure it out. Once I got something fixed it was really satisfying! I got distracted as per usual playing the game once it was able to play somewhat properly. The part I found difficult was at the end with the bonus steps. Overall I enjoyed this weeks Unity Tutorial and Challenge!# A screenshot ...

Unity Tutorial 05

Unity Tutorial 05  For this weeks Unity Tutorial I learned how to make the player run and jump over obstacles. I enjoyed doing this tutorial more than others I have done in the past. I think I enjoyed this one more because it involved a little bit of animation towards the end of the tutorial. I didn't expect the animation controls to be the way they are. The last thing I expected was buttons and such, I thought it would be more coding which I wasn't looking forward to but luckily I was pleasantly surprised! I also enjoyed playing around with the animations available and I am pretty sure I scrolled through all of them.  Once again I was distracted by the game play the whole way throughout the tutorials. I think my high score for the fences jumped was around 10, I can't really remember though I absolutely lost count half way through it. The one thing I did not enjoy about this weeks tutorial was the amount of coding that had to be done. Overall though I really enjoyed making ...