Unity Tutorial 05

Unity Tutorial 05

 For this weeks Unity Tutorial I learned how to make the player run and jump over obstacles. I enjoyed doing this tutorial more than others I have done in the past. I think I enjoyed this one more because it involved a little bit of animation towards the end of the tutorial. I didn't expect the animation controls to be the way they are. The last thing I expected was buttons and such, I thought it would be more coding which I wasn't looking forward to but luckily I was pleasantly surprised! I also enjoyed playing around with the animations available and I am pretty sure I scrolled through all of them. 

Once again I was distracted by the game play the whole way throughout the tutorials. I think my high score for the fences jumped was around 10, I can't really remember though I absolutely lost count half way through it. The one thing I did not enjoy about this weeks tutorial was the amount of coding that had to be done. Overall though I really enjoyed making the little jumping game and playing  it! There's something satisfying about playing a game you have created yourself.

A screenshot of my Unity Tutorial in action.


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