Time Strategies

 Time Management

Time is never on my side I always leave things to the last minute. This is terrible for college assignments which never seem to stop coming so I get overwhelmed and panic and end up procrastinating to calm down. Thus wasting more time and not getting anything done. As much as I have the good intentions of starting an assignment and finishing it within a reasonable time, that never happens. I would love to just be able to write all these blogs with ease but it's really difficult.

What works for me at the moment is leaving things to the last minute so I'm put under pressure to get it done before Moodle closes the quiz. I'm aware that I can give myself extra time with this or not even do it at all but that's not the right thing to do. If I give myself the extra time then I'll waste it by procrastinating so there is no winning here for me in this situation. I am terrible at time management but I sometimes get things done. Whether they are of good standard or not they still get done or half done.

A procrastination meme

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